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be advanced in years中文

用"be advanced in years"造句"be advanced in years" in a sentence"be advanced in years"怎麼讀


  • 春秋已高
  • 年邁龍鐘
  • 年事已高
  • 上了年紀,年邁


  • Recalling my teacher when i am advanced in years - commemorating the 110th birthday of lei xifu
  • Those who have no money or power , those who are advanced in years and uncared for , are more humble
  • And zachariah said to the angel , by what shall i know this ? for i am an old man and my wife is advanced in years
  • Zacharias said to the angel , " how will i know this for certain for i am an old man and my wife is advanced in years .
    路1 : 18撒迦利亞對天使說、我憑著甚麼可知道這事呢、我已經老了、我的妻子也年紀老邁了。
  • Lk . 1 : 18 and zachariah said to the angel , by what shall i know this ? for i am an old man and my wife is advanced in years
  • When we are advanced in years , there is not a more pleasing entertainment , that to recollect in a gloomy moment the many we have parted with , that have been dear and agreeable to us , and to cast a melancholy thought or two after those , with whom , perhaps , we have indulged ourselves in whole nights of mirth and jollity
用"be advanced in years"造句  
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